Welcome to My World

Monday, September 29, 2008

Frozen Winter Breeze

A frozen winter morning,
My heart is frozen still-
Once warm and beating,
Now cold and seeping,
Sinking deeper in my soul.

One day brings another,
The sun rises once again,
Brings a little warmth to me in the end-
And even though I feel its heat
My feet are still frozen,
And my arms are stuck to the seat-
I may never move again,
Never to feel free again-
Lost within the end of it all
Lost within the freezing breeze
That tremours through my soul,
Calling out for you-
But you've gone deaf,
And may never hear my call-

The world is blind to sadness
And full of deep remorse
Every girl smiles a fake smile
And every boy talks awhile-
Saying this and that and how are you
But in the end its just to do-
A simple little sentence to warm
My fragile heart-
Just a little voice to keep my soul afloat-
A dream within a dream,
A voice within my mind-
I can dream of all the times
When I once felt that maybe,
Maybe, there was a chance
But that’s all gone-
And im alone at last.


Unknown said...

This is one is so heart breaking. :(

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.