Welcome to My World

Friday, October 17, 2008

The End

Finally, I’ve found a window, leading out to the morning light. The sunlight shining through blinds me, my eyes squinting in the beautiful mixture of light and dark, and that perplexing line of balance where they meet. The window for which I reached held only broken pieces of glass and a ruined frame.

Peering out through the window, I could see an open field, once green but now filled with charred ruins and ash. The trees, plants, even birds, are all gone, leveled in catastrophe.

Attempting to stand, I felt the wounding blast of fire run through my legs and up my back; I fall. I catch my fall with my hands, but not without consequence. The place in which my hand landed left an open wound from an old rusty nail. No worry of tetanus now, just the soothing pain of transference, as now my leg feels numb balanced by the rust stained hole across my palm.

My body groans as I crawl along the cold wooden boards that make up this rackety excuse for a floor- splinters piercing through my flesh one after another as I pull across the ground to the window. I can see the sun shining through, the bright beautiful morning just inches from my reach- and yet it feels as if it could take a life time to reach my destination.

Barely able to hold myself up, I softly peer over the top of the window sill, my legs dangling like tree branches beneath me. My eyes burn once more as the light reaches my dark enshrouded eyes.

Above me, I notice a small rope dangling ever so loosely over my head, and so, I reach for it. A slight tug, and yes, the rope is secure enough to hold me. I pull with all my might upon the rope, burning my hands with the heated friction as I pull strenuously to lift myself high enough to get a good view outside.

Another painful tug and; I made it, my legs bent like wooden posts keeping me afloat, I can finally see clearly. Looking about, I notice small bits of dust floating slowly to the ground. Cautiously, I look up, only to be blinded by a giant cloud of Black.

And then, just as quickly as it came, it was gone. And I felt nothing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, I really liked this - it was well written.