Romeo - “The Natural World” - A short poem about nature and its beauty.
Jennifer M Scott - “Seeking Sun” - An avant garde poem about fall.
About Words / Writing
Kimota (Jonathan Crossfield) - “Time, Productivity and the Writer” - A look at how writing isn't necessarily as quick to produce as many outsiders believe. Taking three hours to produce 100 words might seem odd, but is perfectly legitimate to produce quality copy.
Ferox - “Is that a Dragon?” - Things must be observed to exist. Otherwise, they can be anything.
~willow~ - “it's all a matter of perspective...” - ...where a young girl knocks a new perspective into an otherwise downcast boy on a bright autumn day...
Brought to you by PlotDog Press with the Serial Suspense "Intervention"
(WOOF participants should re-post all the links above by next Monday. The following links may be excluded as long as you include all the above links.)
Presenting the finest of the writer’s blogs by the bloggers who write them. Highlighting the top 5 posts as chosen by the October 24, 2008 WOOF Contest participants. Want in to join the next WOOF? The next contest ends October 31. Submit a link to your best writing post of the last 2 weeks using the form at the bottom of this page. Participants, repost the winning link list within a week and you’re all set.
Other WOOF Contestants for 10/24/08
Chungyen Chang - “last night” - Memories from a survivor.
Mary Graziano - “Our Little Game” - My post is about child abuse that I went through growing up.
Penelope Anne Bartotto - “Equality” - An Acrostic poem on equality in the world today.
Dragon Blogger - “Cherish” - Appreciate the ones you love.
Dragon Blogger - “Breaking the Mold” - About a woman so perfect.
Dragon Blogger - “The Fork” - Playful poem about a simple dining fork.
Dragon Blogger - “The Chef - Part 1” - Poem written for my wife while she was in Culinary School.
exquisite corpse - “Halloween Magick” - A collabrative poem about Halloween.
About Words / Writing
Amritbir Kaur - “Brevity is the Soul of Wit” - This post is about the origin of the phrase 'Brevity is the soul of wit', the change in its meaning over the years and its implication. Read and enjoy!
Writing Nag - “Why I'll Continue to Journal” - How journaling can benefit your daily writing habit. Includes a "found" poem on journaling.
Non-Fiction /Philosophy / Essay
Harneet Singh - “Have We Changed?” - We, as human beings are losing our humane qualities and moving backwards to being animals again. Let us analyse the situation a bit.
Justin Germino - “Why Does Life Have To Be So Hard” - Thoughts, Insights and Belief in Friendship.
Jennifer M Scott - “Edge of Equality” - A 100 word essay written for the 100 word challenge about equality and the need for war